Thursday, September 8, 2011

Update on my health and blog.

I know I said that I would keep everyone updated about my PCOS, diet and all that jazz, but the truth is, I have just been so incredibly busy lately! I haven't had the chance, so here I am.

My diet sort of fizzled out after a few days. I lost 3 pounds in the beginning though, and I am super proud of myself for that! However, I just couldn't handle only 20g of carbs a day - even if it is only for two weeks. So after doing more research, I decided that I would rather just drop my carb intake to approximately 100g of carbs a day. I went around the house (and grocery store) and found all of the foods I normally eat, you know - pre-PCOS diet. It turns out I was consuming anywhere from 450-600 grams of carbs a day! This is insane! I figured cutting any carbs was better than what I was eating...

I am finally off of my Provera for which I am truly grateful. It was like being on PMS for 10 days straight, and now that it is over, I feel so much better.

I am still on the Metformin, which I must say is not as bad as everyone told me it would be. As long as I avoid greasy/high carb meals then I don't feel too sick. I have the occasional upset stomach, but nothing too serious.

On another note - over the next week or two I will be overhauling my blog. Expect to see one or two posts a day and I change of scenery! I'm hoping to try and get some followers over the next couple of weeks as well!

Hint - tomorrow I will be posting a home decor project I completed recently. :)

- Heather


Sunday, August 28, 2011

PCOS and *dun dun dun* Low Carb Living

Last Wednesday, I was diagnosed with PCOS. This illness is making it difficult for my husband and I to conceive more children. Ultimately we would love to have a large family. We love our two daughters, but there is no reason that they shouldn't get to have siblings, right? Right.

As soon as I was diagnosed, my doctor prescribed me Metformin, a drug designed for patients with type 2 Diabetes. Because PCOS is often caused by (or causes) insulin resistance, my doc thought this was a good choice for me. I was also prescribed Provera to jump start my periods, because I haven't had one in (Yikes!!) 18 months. And yeah, as great as it sounds to NOT have to deal with the evil witch, Aunt Flo, it actually causes more problems that it's worth. So I get to take a medicine this medicine that has literally turned me into the Wicked Witch of the West for TEN DAYS. My poor husband....

Anywho. I started the Provera last night. I start the Metformin tonight, and tomorrow - a low carb diet. Let me make one thing abundantly clear. I love pasta. I love bread. I love baked potatoes. But I am determined to be healthy, lose weight, and have more children. So I have said my goodbyes to my favorite foods in the world. Luckily, because we live in the 21st century, they actually make yummy low carb foods, and I will at least not starve. I also hate veggies. Yep. I hate 'em. *sigh*

I chose to follow the Atkins Diet, because after some pretty extensive research I found that more women who have PCOS actually have a great deal of success with the Atkins Diet. Worst case scenario, it isn't for me and I find a better way to eat Low Carb. Best case scenario - I lose weight, feel better and get pregnant again within a year or two.

Because this is an issue that many women seem to have, I have decided to record my progress in blog form. Every Sunday, I will be posting how I am feeling, how many pounds I've lost (or, heaven forbid, gained) and what treatments are working for me. I should note that I will be posting things that are working for ME. If you feel that any course of action I am taking will work for you, please consult your doctor. You can ask me for all the advice in the world, but I can't write you prescriptions and I don't know your specific circumstances - so please, talk to your doctor!  




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